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Conference Inv. Cristina Polo

10 November, 2016
10:00 am

Title: Assessment of different approaches to incorporate contextual variables in efficiency measurement.

Speaker: Cristina Polo

Date: 10/11/2016 10:00h

Location: Sala de Seminarios, Edificio Torretamarit


Incorporating the effect of the exogenous variables into the estimation of efficiency measures is one of the issues that have received more attention in recent years within the operations research literature. The aim of this work is to assess the performance of two recently developed methodologies such as the nonparametric conditional model and the StoNEZD (Stochastic Nonparametric Envelopment on Z-variables Data) method, which combines both parametric and nonparametric techniques. To do this, we conduct a Monte Carlo experiment with various alternatives production functions. According to the results, StoNEZD methodology performs better, although the conditional DEA model also provides acceptable results in all the proposed scenarios, thus it can be considered as a valid alternative when the available data cannot be adapted to the specific framework of the StoNEZD model.

Brief Bio:

She has a degree in Physics by the University of Extremadura. He has a master’s degree in Social and Legal Sciences (specializing in Economics, Business and Labour). Her main research lines are focused on computational aspects related to efficiency measurement and its application in public services as diverse as education, health and municipal services. She has several publications in prestigious international journals and also she has participated as speaker at the most important meetings, nationals and internationals, which are related to efficiency and productivity measurement. Previously, she further developed research activities related to computational aspects in the Laboratory of Intelligent Sensory Systems (LSSI) of the UEx and the National Institute for Aerospace Technology (INTA) of the Ministry of Defense.

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2 November 2016