Ponents invitats


Ponent invitat



Inmaculada Álvarez

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Rural and agricultural development by land consolidation: a spatial production analysis of Asturias´ parishes  

Mette Asmild


University of Copenhagen

A permutation test for production frontier shifts

José Manuel Cordero 

University of Extremadura

Measuring global municipal performance in heterogeneous contexts: A semi-nonparametric frontier approach

Vincent Charles

University of Buckingham

A Novel Approach to Computing a Regional Social Progress Index  

Herve Dakpo


How to model technologies accounting for undesirable outputs? A numerical comparison of non-parametric approaches

Magdalena Kapelko

Wrocław University of Economics

Corporate Social Responsibility and Dynamic Operational Inefficiency

Ana Lozano

University of Malaga

Probability to default and banking efficiency. How does the market respond

Knox Lovell

University of Queensland

Frontier Analysis: Prognostications

Luis Orea

University of Oviedo

Infrastructure, Resource Allocation and Productivity Growth

Jesús T. Pastor

Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche


Generating new Families of Total Factor Productivity Malmquist Indexes based on a new Family of Quasi-proportional Directional Distance Functions

Daniel Santin 

Universidad Complutense Madrid

Randomized controlled trials and production frontiers in education  

Gabriela Sicilia 

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Estimating technical efficiency from sample designs using robust nonparametric models

Joe Zhu/Kun Chen


Worcester Polytechnic Institute/Nanjing Audit University

Computational tractability of chance constrained data envelopment analysis

José Luis Zofío


Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Economic Cross-Inefficiency

 Emili Tortosa-Ausina


 Universitat Jaume I i IVIE


Quo Vadis, Raters? A Frontier Approach to Identify Misratings in Sovereign Credit Risk

18 de maig 2018